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Buying materails and Breakfast, and Visiting Metta Karuna center

Today, we started our work by discussing about tales and games we are going to play with children at the villages in Banteaymeanchey province next week.
Two hours later, we started to play games we will be played at the villages. It made us exhausted, but it brought us many smile as well
Buying what we really need
It is 14h00 already, we were waiting for Tuk Tuk for going to Chas market( Night market) in order to buy our animation's marterails and our breakfast for eating in the villages.

 Ehh ehe!14h30, we were at the market. We divided into small groups with three or four people in a group, and each group had to buy what we wrote in the papers such as: Noodle, Coffee, surgar, nets and other things. It was a bit difficult for us to find what we need because we are not living in this city. however, we bought everything and we arrived Metta Karuna at 16h40. 

Visiting the center
Sister Denise, the chief of Metta Karuna center, was our guide during this visiting. It was started at 17h00.
 First, we visited a statue talking about Jesus when he was washing his student's legs.
" I have no legs to wash"
The next place was a girl with a clay pot of water in her hand standing near a well with a traditional bucket. We drew water with the bucket, and Sister Denise explained us more about its meaning. This woman stands for all women of the world who long for fullness of life for everyone, and she represented a woman gived water to jesus when he was in Jerusaleum.
Not so far from the well, there is a place placed many kind of pots represented  people's lives. We have different cultures, colors, environments, religions and cultures, but we are all the same: persons of dignity and unique potential. We were asked to choose one of the pot and told everybody what it means to our lives.

In the picture, you can see a circle; It is the circle of Dharma. Monks, farmers, catholics, nons, priests, handicaps and people are trying to push it. Buddhism believe that only dharma can help them to hapiness of life, that's why they are happy to push the dharma's circle in order to promote non-violence, peace, and reconciliation.

Next to this picture, we can see also a picture showing people walking with their luggages. This picture represents the life of imigrants that they try to find a good place to live.

 Security, poverty, war and  political problem forced people to leave where they live to other places. We don't love war and those problems above.

The last thing to show was the king Jayavarman 7 and his wife. He was a famous king in Khmer history. He built many hospitals all over Khmer empire, and he raised the buddhism up.

 His wife was a very good girl. She persuaded his husband not to fight, but to stay in peace and to live in Dharma. She was the head professor in a Buddhist monastery and encouraged the education of women.

Our visiting ended by spending time in a chapel for celebrating the mass. 
It was a great day for us!

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