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We are in Cambodia !

We are in Cambodia ! After 15h of plane, we have finally met the 9 cambodians that will live this adventure of one month with us !!
CHIN Vannak : I am 19 years old. I have juste finished my foundation year of engineering in Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Before studying in my university. I had studied in Banteay Meanchey. It’s second time I participate with French team in the reason of group working, sharing and involving. Personally, I had discovered some differences related to intercultural; therefore, I hope I would understand more about your culture and you. Generally, sport is my hobby.

LOUERT Kimlounn : I’m 20 years old. I come from Beanteay Meanchey, and now I live in Phnom Penh in a flat with 23 friends coming from differents provinces. I’m a second year student in Institute of Technology of Cambodia; moreover, I’m foundation student. In my free time, I like playing football, volleyball, reading the books and listening to music. In the future I want to become a civil engineer because of my passion since I was child. That all for my background and see you soon.

SAK Sothea : I am 22 years old, and I’m a first child in my family among 3 children. Next year is my third year at University, I’m studying Institute of Technology of Cambodia. I absolutely love traveling and meeting new people. I love talking with people in order to exchange our experiences and our cultures. I’m a happy man. I always listen to music, reading, taking picture, and going out for some fresh air when I have free time. The most important thing of this mission is making friend with French.

PHOEUR Phannara : I’m 20 years old. I come from Banteay Meanchey province. In my  family , there six people. I am the first son .I have two young brothers and one young sister. During free time I like reading books , play football and volleyball and talk something with my friends.I have just finished my second year at Institute of Technology of Cambodia . Next  year I will be in third year of civil engineering. This  is second time for me to join in this programe .For the first I am so happy to live , to play ,to communicate and to share the culture with them because they are so friendly .For this second time , I also enjoy  share my experience and culture with all of you. And I want to practice more about French language.Finally, after finish this program we can be more closer and we can be a good friend forever.

OL An : I’m 21 years old. I come from Prey Veng province. I have just finished my second year at Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Next year I will be in third year of Rural Development Engineering department. I have one older brother and one younger brother, I am the second child of the family. During my free time I like reading books, playing sport like football and volleyball and going for a warlk. This is the first time for me to participate to this program, Premesse Cambodge. I really enjoy this program, I can work with French guys sharing my culture with each other. This will be a good memory for me to remember all the things we have together during this one month of the program.

PLEUY Sil : I am 20. I am from Banteay Meanchey. I am second year student of Khmer literature in Royal university of Phnom Penh. I am the second child in family. I have one older brother, three younger sister and my parents. In my free time, I like listening to music, reading, watching football. This is my first time to join the adventure. I am glade to work with all of you. It is very exciting to discovery our culture and I want to exchange our experience. I always teach and take care of children on Sunday in Phnom Penh, EDM. I am very happy to participate in this project. I hope this project can make us to be good friend and have a memory in our life.

HIM Kanha : I am 20 years old. I come from Prey-Veng province. I’m going to finish my second year student at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), department mathematics on 20/06/15. I have 2 older brothers, I’m the youngest child. My parents live at Prey Veng. Nowadays I am supported by Enfants Du Mékong (EdM) in Phnom Penh. For my hobby I enjoy music, travelling, visiting, teaching small children who are supported by EdM on Sunday. Normally, I prefer to read general knowledge, to play volleyball and badminton. During my vocation I decided to join Magis Promesse Cambodge 2015, it can help the children there, share my knowledge and play with them. Moreover, It’s time to practice my English and French which I know a little. I can know about your culture. I believe to get experience from MPC and how to work in the social.

ING Borann : I am 21 years old and single. I come from Banteay Meanchey province. I’m a student in year 2 at Institute of Technology of Cambodia in Phnom Penh. And I am gonna choose my major as electrical engineer. Nowadays I am sponsored by Enfants Du Mékong for studying in Phnom Penh. In my family, we have 8 members : my parents, my three brothers, my two sisters, my lovely grand-mother and me. I am fifth son. Everybody is famer, except my fourth brother and me. We are students. My two brothers and two sister got married. My parents live in a small village at Banteay Meanchey. For my hobby I enjoy music, travelling, visiting, teaching small children who are supported by EdM on Sunday. Normally, I prefer surfer on net and also do there search about technology. During this vocation, the reason why I decided to join Magis Promesse Cambodge because I think that it is extremely useful for all children and furthermore I also want to share my knowledge and my experiences to them. Especially, I need to know and to make new communication with all of you and to change experiences with each other. I believe that I will get more experiences from MPC and to develop my self as a useful citizen for my country.

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